15 Google Search Tips

15 Google Search Tips that can make your searching interesting and valuable

15 google search tips1.  Google can be your phone book: 

Type a person’s name, city, and state directly into the search box, and Google will deliver phone and address listing at the top of the results.  The feature work’s for business listings too.

Bonus tip:  Google can also work as a reverse directory; if all you have is a phone number, type it in and any matches will appear in the results.

2. Google can be your calculator:

Type a math problem into the search box and Google will computer it.  you can spell out the equation in words (two plus two, twelve divided by three), use numbers and symbols (2+2,12/3), or type in  a combination of both (ten million * pi, 15% of six).

3. Longer is better, but shorter is okay.

Google is designed to return high-quality results even for one-or two-word queries, so you can keep your searches short, but adding a few more words often yields better results.

4. Google can be your dictionary: 

Type define followed b any English word into the search box, and Google will give you a quick definition at the top of the search results.

5. Get the picture:

Looking for a photo of Paris Hilton, or the Paris Hilton Hotel? click on the “Images” link above the search box, type your query, and Google will provide any photos or graphics in its database of over one billion images that match your terms, with a link to the page where they appear.

6. Maps, driving directions, and satellite views:

The fastest way to find your destination is to enter a city and state or just a zip code into the search box.  Example.: Type Washington dc, and google will provide a direct link to its own map and directions service, maps.google.com, as well as those by yahoo and MapQuest, making it easy to compare and get a second opinion.

7. What or which website do you want to search today?

If you know the specific web site you want to visit, type its name into the Google search box, hit enter, and you will be there in a flash.

8. Browse the worlds books online:

Search for a topic at print.google.com and you will see information from a actual books that Google has scanned and indexed in its database.  you can browse or read the entire text of works that are not copyrighted;  for others, you can see snippets of pages where your search term appears and learn where to by a full copy.

9. Dial GOOGL when you are on the go:

Get phone numbers, directions, movie times, stock quotes, and more delivered to your cell phone.  Send a text message with your query to the number 46645 (GOOGL on most U.S. phone) and the search engine will message you back with instant answers.

10. Google can be your Weatherman:

Type weather followed by a zip code or the name of a city, and Google will give the current conditions and a four-day forecast at the top of the results page.

11. Become a scholar:

Serious searchers can tap into thousands of scientific and academic journals with Google scholar.  Enter a query into the search box at scholar.google.com to get abstracts and papers from published sources.

12. Take a magic ~ ride:

The tilde character “~” in the corner of your keyboard is a handy tool in Google searches.  put it before a word, with no space between to have Google look for pages with both that term and synonyms.

13. Translate into other languages:

The Language tools link also found at the bottom of the search box on the homepage, calls up Googles automated translation service as well as other language options.  From this page, you can translate text among numerous languages (English to Spanish, French to German etc. ) or translate a web page simply by entering its address or URL.

14. Get an instant stock quote:

Type a stock ticker symbol into the search box to get a stock quote and chart on any public company listed on the New York stock Exchange, American stock Exchange or NASDAQ.

15. Get PG-rated results:

A search on a serious topic like sex education might trigger objectionable material, so Google provides an optional safe search filter to keep results family -friendly.  Click the preferences link next to the search box to view and adjust the safe search settings (choose from “strict”, “moderate”, or no filtering).

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