Voice Search “OK GOOGLE”: The Ultimate guide to Website Designer

What is google voice search ?

image for google voice search on mobile front end

Voice search by Google is a Google product which allows users to use Google Search by speaking on a mobile phone, laptop or desktop computer.

Thus, the device search for data upon entering information on what to search into the device by speaking.

Today out of 10 users 7 users are using google voice search to find things on google. According to Wikipedia google voice search currently supporting 61 languages all over the world.

Every smartphone comes with google inbuilt application “google voice search”. Things are changing very rapidly in information technology.

How google’s voice search changes everything

Voice search experiences are today’s hottest topics in the world. The best thing is that it is the Google voice search is shaping the new customers’ experience and that a a direct impact on every business.

image for google voice search displaying results

Voice search application is rapidly changing for the way it provides the search results. It provides the results in a better way than that of traditional where one gets the list of results.

What a website designer should know about saying” Ok Google”

As a website designer voice search is a new challenge in the field of website designing. A website designer shall now optimize his webpage for google voice search.

When i say optimize for voice search means the first thing is your website should be mobile friendly. If you have not yet checked your web page then take a mobile friendly test now.

Congratulations to you, If your web page is mobile friendly.

However, If not then you should correct the error very soon. This may be your site structure issues, CSS issues, linking errors and so no.

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