Mr. Jayendra Gaonkar | Freelance Website Designer in Goa
About :
Mr. Jayendra Gaonkar is the Freelance Website Designer in Goa. He started his first website in the year 2010 for Plastic Export Zundert. Thereafter he designed his own website Gaonkar Website ” A website designing firm in Goa. He never liked to code the website, hence he used Microsoft Publisher to design his first website.
Today also he does not like to code and mostly he uses Word press to design websites.
He is very much expert in Graphic Designing, especially for the website. Initially, he uses to hate graphic designing as his choice of color picking was very weak. But later on, he himself noticed that the Website without quality graphic does not help. Therefore to overcome form the situation he learned Photoshop and he liked doing it very much.
Although Gaonkar Website was founded in 2013, his website designing roots go back to 2009. He learned website designing because he had no choice rather than working for others. Therefore he started designing a website for people side by side.
Currently, he provides services like website designing, Website hosting, Email hosting for business and SEO services. Website designing is his passion. He likes to play with computers all the time.
Mr. Jayendra Gaonkar never planned on starting a website designing business until he got very good inspiration from his very close friend. He uses to see many designed websites for his friends and employer which were very poor in quality and in respect of SEO also. Today his first designed websites are on the 1st web page of google for that particular business in Goa.
After working around 6 years he decided to create a different kind of Web Designing agency, one that was honest and only took on clients that they could actually help. And instead of focusing on growing his agency, his number one focus was to grow the clients and provide an ROI.
He aims at businesses bringing online to perform effective marketing. Also, he thinks that if the website is designed and managed properly, it works 24 X 7 for his owner.
According to him performing on Google is not an overnight job. One has to work for years and should have patience. One needs to plan the website properly. He has to work on every page to server better to its visitors. He further thinks the first impression makes a lot of things happen. You may have a number of products in your basket to sell, but it’s of no use unless you present them in the right way.
Leave your comment if you want to have some innovative idea about your website and you want to redesign it.